For an introduction to the problem of post-modernity
postmodernity, social change, contemporaneityAbstract
What is postmodernity? What should be understood with this notion that intends to talk about our time? Aiming to enter into a field of discussion that is already quite developed, this article seeks, through a bibliographical review of works devoted to the subject, to introduce a possible path that leads in a panoramic way to different theoretical positions of this controversial notion presente in different fields of the humanities, but which here will receive the main focus of the field of social theory within the scope of sociology. We will see that although many of the characteristics presented are shared by the authors, there are cases of clear differentiation in the way of approaching them or, more distinctly, there are characteristics that are visibly contrary to those accepted by others. From the aesthetic category to the epochal category, postmodernity and postmodernism claim relevance in a scenario of social change in contemporary industrial societies.
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