Urban avifauna from the municipality of Uruguaiana, RS, Brazil (partial results)
For birds, it is known that this animal group has unique specializations and apparently answers, differently from other groups of terrestrial vertebrates, to the changes in the composition and structure of the habitat. The occurrence of birds in urban environments indicates the state of preservation of the same. Were identified 34 species belonging to 22 families, which the most representative was Tyrannidae, followed by Ardeidae, Columbidae and Emberizidae. The place that had more diversity of birds was the site 2, located within the inner city, which is very wooded and most of the houses have gardens. Were registered three species of birds that had not yet been described for the region. It is worth to note the presence of migratory birds, mainly in the site 4, on the margin of the Uruguay River. Keywords: Pampa Biome, systematics, avifauna, ecology.Downloads