In Whose name? The controversy about healing in Matthew 12,22-32



Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Therapist, Beelzebub, Demonic Possession, Holy Spirit.


The present article it’s an exegetical analysis of Matthew 12,22-32, whose theme is the controversy about the power of Jesus for healing, in that he would have done healings by the Beelzebub’s power and not from God. The aim of this study is to analyze the controversy between the community of Matthew and their accusers, about the authority of Jesus and the Church for healing and casting out demons from people. In addition, we will investigate the sense that this demonic possession had for the community and how we can interpret them today. To this we will use many exegetical tools, some from Historical-Critical Method, just under a social-political approaching. In the end of this article, we will see that this text had an important role in the communities, for bring them together in the belief that Jesus is Christ of God, whose healings and exorcisms had a therapeutic role, that yet today is important, by the Social-Political context of oppression under which the poor lived in the Roman Empire.

Author Biography

Marcelo da Silva Carneiro, Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Presbiteriana Independente do Brasil

Doutor em Ciências da Religião (UMESP), Mestre em Teologia (PUC-RJ), Bacharel em Teologia (UNIBENNETT-RJ), pesquisador no Grupo Oracula - Estudos de Apocalíptica, Misticismo e Fenômenos Visionários (PPGCR-UMESP), professor de Novo Testamento da FATIPI, membro da SBL, associado da ABIB.


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New Testament