“He was lost and is found!”: The Compassion of the Father as fundamental attitude in Lk 15



Lost Coin, Searching, Finding, Joy, Mercy.


This study seeks to reveal that the compassion of the Father is expressed by “the seeking for the lost” in Lk 15, starting from the parable of the lost drachma. It follows the basic steps of methodical analysis, such as, delimitation of the text, literary genre, structure, brief literary-theological contexto and the theology of the text. This study covers three levels: 1) individual analysis of the parable of the lost drachma (Lk 15: 8-10); 2) analysis of the same parable attached to the preceding one (lost sheep), as a double or twin parable (verses 4-10); 3) analysis of the three parables of Lk 15, as a triple parable (verses 4-32). There is a progress among these parables shepherding with a double frame (vv. 4-10, 11-32) of the entire chapter Lk 15. “To seek for the lost” by the gospel mercy and compassion should be also the basic attitude of the Church- or some part of her- which is not unusual, contents with the “already found ones”.


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