Consolation: prophetic mission in the exile The action of the Deutero-Isaiah among the Israelites in the Babylon


  • Jaldemir Vitório Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia - FAJE


Deutero-Isaiah, Historical-Theological Hermeneutic, Consolation, Exile, Monotheism


The Deutero-Isaiah, to whom is attributed Isa 40-55, took on the task of comforting the Israelites deported to Babylon. His prophecy is introduced with the imperative: “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God” (Isa 40,1). This is an urgent task, all the more so in the face of the crisis generated by a forced exile, that brought with it the risk of losing their ethnic and religious identity on account of their contact with other peoples, cultures and religions. The prophet, attentive to international events, helped his compatriots to understand the positive repercussions of the historic upheaval caused by the rise of the Persian empire and the collapse of the Babylonian empire. He then proposed to them a historical-theological hermeneutic that looked forward to the return to their land by the “benevolence” of the new rulers. These rulers would be instruments for the action of the God of Israel who, as go’el, would act in favor of his people. The Holy of Israel, an expression coined by the prophet Isaiah of the 8th century BC, allowed him to present the image of God in solidarity with his people. At the same time, he insisted on strict monotheism, denouncing the idolatry with sarcastic language, in order to motivate the exiles to cast aside the idea of the God of Israel as having been vanquished by Marduk, the chief deity of the Babylonian pantheon. An important reason for their consolation was the announcement of the new exodus, soon, that was to be prepared with a sincere conversion.

Author Biography

Jaldemir Vitório, Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia - FAJE

Dr. em Teologia Bíblica, pela PUC-RJ. Professor de Teologia no Departamento de Teologia da Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia-FAJE, na área de Teologia Bíblica.


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