Schema activation through pre-reading activities: teaching proverbs in L2


  • Nayara Salbego Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Denise M. Osborne Universidade do Estado de Nova Iorque



Schema theory, Pre-reading activities, Proverbs in L2, Portuguese as a foreign language.


Although educators are aware that the use of pre-reading activities can prompt schemata and therefore enhance the reading process in a foreign language (e.g., Aebersold; Field, 2007; Johnson, 1982; Langer, 1981), planning an effective pre-reading activity may pose a challenge. In this article, we discuss how students’ schemata on proverbs can be activated through pre-reading activities by promoting text structure awareness (e.g., Grabe; Stoller, 2011) and exploring cultural aspects embedded in proverbs in their first(s) language(s). This study proposes a pre-reading activity for the teaching of proverbs in a Portuguese as a foreign language class in a multilingual context, in which minimal interference from the teacher is required and dialogical interaction among students is promoted. The activity was applied in an intermediate class of Portuguese learners in an American university. The pre-reading activity was designed in order to help students establish a well-grounded basis before they encounter proverbs in Portuguese, from both formal and content perspectives. This study also analyzes the students’ feedback, collected in an online survey. The analysis shows an overwhelmingly positive response to the pre-reading activity.


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Author Biographies

Nayara Salbego, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Docente de Língua Inglesa no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC). Doutoranda em Inglês pela
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (20152019).
Possui Mestrado em Inglês (UFSC / 2014),
Especialização em Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação aplicadas à Educação (UFSM 2012),
Specialization in Teaching Business English (Oxford Seminars, St. John College; New York 2010),
Teacher Training Course (Oxford Seminars, St. John College / New York 2009)
e Graduação em Letras
Inglês (UFSM 2008)
e Letras Português (Estácio de Sá 2018).
Dentre os temas de interesse, estão:
ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira com tecnologias digitais, autonomia no ensino e
aprendizagem de língua estrangeira e educação à distância.

Denise M. Osborne, Universidade do Estado de Nova Iorque

Denise Osborne é doutora em Second Language Acquisition and Teaching pela University of Arizona (E.U.A.), com especialização em fonética de segunda língua. Dr. Osborne é professora de português na University at Albany (E.U.A.) e coordenadora do programa de português na mesma instituição.


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How to Cite

Salbego, N., & Osborne, D. M. (2016). Schema activation through pre-reading activities: teaching proverbs in L2. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 7(2), 175–188.


