The importance of Latin American philosophy in interdisciplinary projects




Philosophy. Latin America. Education.


The objective of this article is to propose, through bibliographic theoretical research, a reflection about the relevance of Latin American philosophy within interdisciplinary projects in a way that promotes a cultural and historical formation that embraces the diversity of Latin America, especially with a critical look about our literature, cultural and historical processes. In a research focused on the teaching of philosophy in the school space based on the analysis of the National Curricular Parameters of Brazil and the didactic materials provided by the federal government. Subsequently, a brief history will be made about the concepts of education and interdisciplinarity and finally will be addressed about philosophy classes in basic education. The proposal is to present a way to insert the Latin American philosophy in the schools in order to complement the curricula in accordance with the interdisciplinarity required by the National Curricular Parameters. And once elucided the importance of Latin American philosophy will open the doors for a cultural school training wider and no more Eurocentric.


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Author Biography

Rayane Leal, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestranda em Filosofia, Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite

Leal, R. (2019). The importance of Latin American philosophy in interdisciplinary projects. Intuitio, 12(2), e34371.

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