Air Abrasion: Effect on cavity preparation and on microleakage in primary teeth


  • Lívia Azeredo Alves Antunes Fluminense Federal University
  • Vitória Esteves Salgado Fluminense Federal University
  • Leonardo Santos Antunes Fluminense Federal University
  • Lucianne Cople Maia Fluminense Federal University



Deciduous tooth, dental air abrasion, dental cavity preparation, dental leakage, scanning electron microscopy.


Objective: To compare the effects of air abrasion and high speed diamond bur on the topography of cavity preparations and the microleakage on primary teeth.
Methods: in this in vitro study, the cavities were prepared on the occlusal surfaces of 60 teeth using both techniques on each tooth. Twenty teeth were randomly chosen for a descriptive analysis of the topography. Half of the remaining teeth (20) were treated with a total-etching adhesive system and the other half treated with a self-etching adhesive system and all samples were restored with composite resin. After that the samples were prepared for microleakage tests and assessed by scores. The statistical data was evaluated and a 5% significance level was adopted for all tests.
Results: the air abrasion technique produced different topographies and increased the formation of the smear layer (stuart-maxwell chi-square, p=0.03). Microleakage was not influenced by either of the adhesive systems used for cavity preparations (wilcoxon test, p=0.08). However, high speed diamond bur showed more microleakage regardless of the adhesive used (mann-whitney test, p=0.04; p=0.01).
Conclusion: the air abrasion technique appears to be a good alternative for preventing microleakage during cavity preparation in primary teeth.


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