História da loucura de Michel Foucault como uma “história do outro”


  • Rafael Haddock-Lobo




The aim of this paper is focused on presenting the method of historical analysis built by Michel Foucault in his book Histoire de la Folie à l’Âge Classique as a “History of the Other”. Such term appears for the first time at Les Mots et les Choses’s Preface, in which Foucault analyses his method in the quoted book on madness (but also in La Naissance de la Clinique). In this sense, firstly we have to verify the hypothesis of this relation between Foucault’s archeological method as a Thought of the Otherness, precisely concerning to that “Other History” proposed by the philosopher. Secondly, we need to analyse specifically Histoire de la Folie as a privileged work, as far as the approach on the relation with the other is concerned. KEY WORDS – Archeology of knowledge. History. Alterity. Madness.


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How to Cite

Haddock-Lobo, R. (2008). História da loucura de Michel Foucault como uma “história do outro”. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 53(2). https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2008.2.4458