Solidarity and economy: some key issues concerning theory and practices


  • Genauto Carvalho de França Filho



Popular solidarity economy. Economic anthropology. Another economy.


This text explores, at first, the conceptual dimension about the subject, especially the richness that is inside an anthropologic view about the theme, under what are exposed the possibilities provided in a re-signification of sense in economic acting in society. In the sequence, the subject of solidarity economy is faced as a field of practices under construction in Brazil. At this moment, emerge the speech about the different modalities of self-organizations social-economics and politics. The emphasis, at this time, is over some troubles and challenges that cross this field, specially the questions related to the actual possibilities of creating sustainable territorial development and to be an effective alternative to the predominant way of development closed to the concepts of business market. At the end, the focus is over the fundamental vocation of such practices, inside their origin concepts, exploring the essence of an idea of another economy that is associated at this theme.


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Author Biography

Genauto Carvalho de França Filho

Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Paris VII; Professor da Escola de Administração da UFBA e do seu PPG (Npga/Ufba). Pesquisador do Cnpq. Organizador do livro Action publique et économie solidaire: une perspective internationale. Ramonville Saint-Agne: Érès, 2005 (Com Jean Louis Laville; Alzira Medeiros; Jean Philippe Magnen); Autor dos livros Sociétés en mutation et nouvelles formes de solidarité: le phénomène de l'économie solidaire en question – L'expérience des Régies de Quartier au carrefour des logiques diverses. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2003; Don et économie solidaire – esquisse d'une théorie sócio-économique de l'économie solidaire. Paris: Mauss/Crida, 2000 (em parceria com Sylvain Dzimira).



How to Cite

França Filho, G. C. de. (2007). Solidarity and economy: some key issues concerning theory and practices. Civitas: Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 155–174.