Concepts other: things and the Ontological Turn




Material Culture. Archaeology. Ontology.


This paper discusses the possibilities of a ontografic approach to the questioning of things, or what we call “material culture”. An embedded approach in the context of the call Ontological Turn, from the study of otherness that from the things in this case produced by the other, seeks to “translate” into concepts ontology another and compare the raised conceptual differences during the process. A translative comparison between concepts produced by both theoretical agents: the native and the anthropologist. Studies of things in recent years have turned to more literalistic conceptions of even the very definition of “thing”, especially when two or more “worlds” are involved in the equation. In Anthropology, the debate on the Ontological Turn occurs with greater speed and intensity, turning to the core of the discipline itself, shaking some modern foundations that formed the own doing anthropological. It is from this debate, still in progress, that the discipline that uses things as its source, Archaeology, has been seeking to refocus its analysis on the collections resulting from its research.


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Author Biography

Antonio Carlos Soares, Museu Arqueológico do Rio Grande do Sul (MARSUL), Taquara, RS

Mestrando em História pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil). Historiador e arqueólogo do Museu Arqueológico do Rio Grande do Sul (MARSUL), Taquara, RS, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Soares, A. C. (2020). Concepts other: things and the Ontological Turn. Oficina Do Historiador, 13(1), e36312.


