Moving indigenous female identities in the poetic of Eliane Potiguara




Literature of indigenous, Female identity, Eliane Potiguara, Indigenous separation.


In this article, we seek to understand, from reading some texts of the work Metade Cara, Metade Máscara (2004), by Eliane Potiguara, what form(s) the indigenous separation in brazilian territory interfere in the constitution of these people, especially in the female identity. At the same time, we investigated characteristics of the literature of indigenous authorship, based in the author’s poetics, seeing the implication of these forced migrations and yours violence of dynamics and the silencing of indigenous voice and subjectivities. Therefore, we veriefied that the identity is supported by the memory and the ancestral knowledges, besides that we realized that there are aspects of poetic-literary production that appear linked to the movement of these people, motivated by the invasions of the indigenous territories. Besides that, the literature produced by the indigenous intellectuals, as an expression of the subjectivity of the different ethnic groups, become a place of conflicts and the materialization of the indigenous voices, that become this literature an important instrument to the expression and the fortification of yours subjectivities. This is a text that, sometimes supported by the perspective of Cultural Studies, involves a qualitative and bibliographic methodology. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this analytical work is in dialogue with important theoretical and methodological concepts, recurrent in the discussions of Cultural Studies, such as diaspora, deterritorialization, transculturation, poetics of movement, according to the works of Stuart Hall, Bhabha, Ette, Ortiz.


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Author Biography

Heliene Rosa da Costa, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professora licenciada em Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas, com atuação na Educação Básica e Superior. Mestra em Linguística Textual e doutoranda em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Recebeu prêmios em concursos literários e participou de antologias. Organizou a coletânea Flores e Aromas: inspirações poéticas, com textos de professores e de estudantes de escolas públicas de Uberlândia.


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How to Cite

da Costa, H. R., & de Melo, C. A. (2018). Moving indigenous female identities in the poetic of Eliane Potiguara. Letrônica, 11(3), 361–374.