The Disabled People Protection Act and its consequences towards civil capacity


  • Ricardo Luís Lenz Tatsch Mestre em Direito pela PUCRS



Civil Disability, Status Persons with Disabilities, New Regime.


This study aims to carry out an analysis of the main changes in the legal incapacity rules, following the entry into force of the Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência – something like a Disabled People Protection Act – which led to a profound change in the event of absolute and relative inability, especially as people with disabilities. From now on, regardless of the degree of its limitation, part of their autonomy is preserved, because of your disability is relative. In addition, there are changes in the trusteeship of the institute and the curator of the functions that can only be interference on the property of curatelado acts, and the curatorship sentence after conducted proper examination of the circumstances expressly declare the trustee's powers the degree of limitation of the autonomy of curatelado. There is still, in our planning Decision Making Supported, which may be an alternative to situations that until now were covered by the trusteeship. Despite advances, the changes brought by the Status of Persons with Disabilities also brought harm to people with disabilities who cannot express their will, because the acts they practice will be considered voidable, and no longer void, resulting in the need for action the legislator in order to improve the legislation.

Author Biography

Ricardo Luís Lenz Tatsch, Mestre em Direito pela PUCRS

Mestre em Direito pela PUCRS

Integrante do GEDF - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Direitos Fundamentais (PUCRS)

Procurador Regional da República

ex-Procurador da Fazenda Nacional


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