Call for papers - Dossier: Political Representation and Ideology


The Brazilian and international political context has enhanced a growing academic interest in representation and ideology. A prevalence of interpretations that tend to focus on the stability of procedural democracy lost ground, as well as interpretations on the shrinkage of the ideological scope of political disputes. It became necessary to reconsider themes such as: 

(a) the limits and tensions of liberal-representative democracy; 

(b) the processes of political radicalization and polarization; 

(c) populism, authoritarianism and fascism; 

(d) the role of emotions in political representation and action; 

(e) interaction between institutional politics and lack of confidence behavior such as social mobilization, protest and conspiracy; 

(f) social networks, artificial intelligence and the issue of regimes of truth, post-truth and fake news. 

The dossier is intended to provide contributions on these and other topics related to the circumstances and challenges of democracies, particularly related to the fields of Political Science, International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Sciences and others. Manuscripts will be admitted, assessed, and published continuously in the 2023 and 2024 editions of Revista Conversas & Controvérsias. The deadline for submission of manuscripts is August 1, 2023. 

Luis Gustavo Mello Grohmann (UFRGS), Augusto Neftali Corte de Oliveira (PUCRS)