Evaluation of apical extrusion of debris during ultrasonic versus rotary instrumentation


  • Karolline Rodrigues Araquam
  • Maria Leticia Borges Britto
  • Cleber Keiti Nabeshima


Root canal preparation, tooth apex, waste products


Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the apical extrusion of debris during rotary versus ultrasonic instrumentation of root canals. Methods: The sample comprised 20 mandibular premolars with similar root length. To collect the extruded material during endodontic instrumentation, acrylic resin containers were fixed on the root external surfaces. All teeth were prepared with Gates-Glidden drills at the cervical and middle thirds of the root canal. Root canal instrumentation was accomplished using ultrasound or rotary systems (n=10/group) according to the established work length. The resin containers were weighed before and after instrumentation, and the weight difference was considered the amount of extruded material. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test at a 0.05 level of significance. Results: Both instrumentation techniques showed large variability of amount of extruded material with values ranging from 0.0009 to 0.0860 g. No significant difference was found between the two experimental groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: It can be concluded that ultrasonic or rotary systems promoted similar apical extrusion of debris during root canal instrumentation. Key words: Root canal preparation; tooth apex; waste products

Author Biographies

Karolline Rodrigues Araquam

Especialista em Endodontia pela Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul

Maria Leticia Borges Britto

Doutora pela Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo; Professora Coordenadora da Disciplina de Endodontia da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul

Cleber Keiti Nabeshima

Especialista em Endodontia pela Academia Brasileira de Medicina Militar - HGeSP; Mestrando em Endodontia pela Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo; Professor do Curso de Especialização em Endodontia da Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul






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