Radiographic analysis of forensic dentistry


  • Thalita Queiroz Abreu Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Ana Emília Figueiredo de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Elza Bernardes Ferreira Universidade Aberta do SUS
  • Mariana Figueiredo Lopes Universidade CEUMA
  • Maia Denise Regina Pontes Vieira Universidade Aberta do SUS



Forensic dentistry, Panoramic radiography, Dental age determination, Bone age determination


Objective: Age estimation is an important element in the forensic investigation, being one of the data primary sources to establish the identity of living people or unknown mortal remains. The methods used for this purpose are those based on individuals’ bones and teeth development. Since dental radiographs assume major role in the forensic context, this article aims to show, by means of literature review, the importance of dental radiographs as an aid in human identification process, particularly in the age estimation.
Conclusion: The forensic dental examination contributes significantly to human identification, no matter if it is a living, in advanced decay, skeletonized or charred body. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness among dental professionals about the need to properly record and archive the information and data obtained during the daily clinical routine, since the greatest support for identification in forensic dentistry, mainly the individual’s age estimation, comes from clinical documentation produced daily by clinicians, especially dental radiographs.


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Literature Review