Orthodontic shear bond strength to porcelain surface in wet conditions


  • Magáli Beck Guimarães Centro Universitário Fransciscano
  • Bárbara Cocco Centro Universitário Franciscano
  • Rodrigo Salbego Bueno Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Micéli Beck Guimarães Blaya Centro Universitário Franciscano
  • Letícia Borges Jacques Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Luciana Mayumi Hirakata Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul




Shear strength, Dental porcelain, Dental bonding, Orthodontics


Objective: To evaluate the shear bond strength of orthodontic accessories bonded to a porcelain surface after storage in water.
Methods: One-hundredand-twenty feldspathic porcelain discs were divided into 4 groups, according to the surface treatment: Group 1 – 37% phosphoric acid etching; Group 2 – 10% fluorhydric acid; Group 3 – 37% phosphoric acid and silane application; Group 4 – 10% fluorhydric acid and silane application. After the accessories were bonded, the sample was divided into two subgroups, according to the time interval of storage in distilled water: Control – 24 hours; and Test – 150 days. Shear bond strength was determined using a universal test machine, and failure type was verified by scanning electron microscopy.
Results: In the test groups there was reduction in shear bond strength, particularly when silane was used. Test Groups 2 and 4 presented shear bond strength values within those proposed as adequate for orthodontic bonding. Groups 1 and 3  presented adhesive failures between porcelain and resin, whereas in Groups 2 and 4 cohesive failures in porcelain were recorded.
Conclusion: Storage in water for 150 days decreased the bond strength at silanized interfaces. Fluorhydric acid etching generates adequate bond strength in wet conditions, however, increases the fracture rate in porcelain.


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