Analysis of the sealing ability of Portland cement and mineral trioxide aggregate in molars furcation perforations


  • José Umberto Bampa University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos
  • Fabiane Oliveira Lima Gianoto University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos
  • Maria José Pereira de Almeida University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos
  • Devanir de Araújo Cervi University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Devanir de Araújo Cervi University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos
  • Fabiano de Sant’Ana dos Santos University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos



Furcation defects, Dental leakage, Endodontics, Dental materials


Objective: To analyze the sealing ability of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Portland Cement (PC) in furcation perforations of human molars through three techniques.
Methods: Ninety upper and lower extracted human molars with formed roots and not fused were selected. Perforations were performed on the floors of pulpal chambers by means of spherical burs. Specimens were randomly divided into two experimental groups of forty-five teeth each, using PC for Group I and white MTA for Group II. Group I was divided into 3 subgroups, called IA, IB, IC with fifteen samples each. Group II was also divided into 3 subgroups, called IIA, IIB, IIC with fifteen samples each. The checks of infiltration were carried out through a stereoscope with 5X magnification. The Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The use of MTA and PC inserted by three different techniques did not prevent the occurrence of leakage into furcation of extracted human molars. It is also clear that the CP accommodated in furcation perforations through ultrasound had better performance.
Conclusion: Further studies should be carried out to improve the performance of the sealing material for application in critical dental regions.

Author Biographies

José Umberto Bampa, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos

Professor of the Specialization Course in Endodontics, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Fabiane Oliveira Lima Gianoto, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos

Specialist in Endodontics at the University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Maria José Pereira de Almeida, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos

Professor of the Specialization Course in Endodontics, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Devanir de Araújo Cervi, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.

Professor of the Specialization Course in Endodontics, University Center of the Educational Foundation of Barretos, São Paulo, Brazil.


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