Aviation oral English corpus in abnormal situations


  • Malila Carvalho de Almeida Prado


Aviation English, oral corpus, Corpus linguistics, coursebooks, proficiency descriptors.


This article aims to discuss how Corpus Linguistics can assist in the development of a common

understanding of ICAO´s descriptors of language proficiency, by determining which semantic, lexical, and

structural fields are to be taught in Aviation English. In the first section, there is a brief description of the

needs in Aviation English along with an overview of the ICAO´s descriptors. This is followed by a

recommendation of the use of Corpus Linguistics as an adequate tool for the scientific collection and

processing of linguistic data which may allow for a uniform understanding of the descriptors. Finally, some

analyses on how studies can be accomplished are provided.

Author Biography

Malila Carvalho de Almeida Prado

Graduada em Letras pela Universidade São Marcos; Psicopedagoga pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo;

Pesquisa a aplicação da Linguística de Corpus no ensino de inglês para aviação.



Aviation and Language