Student’s perception about HIV and HTLV seropositive patients of a dentistry school


  • Thaise Meira Gomes Bahian School of Abstract Medicine and Public Health
  • Flávia Godinho Costa Wanderley Bahian School of Abstract Medicine and Public Health
  • Marina Cartibani Santos Bahian School of Abstract Medicine and Public Health
  • Alena Ribeiro Alves Peixoto Medrado Bahian School of Abstract Medicine and Public Health



HIV, HTLV, Epidemiology


Objectives: This study is to describe the perception of the students of a private Dentistry School regarding the feelings and aprehensions through the everyday dealings with HIV and HTLV patients.
Methods: An exploratory, descriptive study was realized with a qualitative approach using the Oral Theme History to collect and analyze the data.
Results: The sample comprised 140 students of several semesters. The majority of students (59%) reported ever attended patients seropositive for both viruses was observed. Although HIV was more feared, 39.55% not shown knowledge about HTLV infection. 82.58% of interviewed students previously considered important to know about HIV or HTLV seropositive patients before treatment and 69.40% reported knowing the procedures performed in an accidental exposure.
Conclusion: However it’s necessary to expand the knowledge about these infections and humanize the assistance to such patients.


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