Effectiveness of Acmella oleracea for topical anesthesia on buccal mucosa


  • Lucas Cerutti de Andrade Universidade Paranaense
  • Isabella Welter Rotta Universidade Paranaense
  • Sandro Revay Chaves
  • Denise Tiemi Uchida Universidade Paranaense
  • Zilda Cristiani Gazim Universidade Paranaense
  • Fabiana Borges Padilha Ferreira Universidade Paranaense
  • Ezilda Jacomassi Universidade Paranaense
  • Daniela de Cassia Faglioni Boleta-Ceranto Universidade Paranaense


Acmella oleracea, benzocaine, pain, topical anesthetic,


Objective: The present study aimed to determine the effectiveness and safety of Acmella oleracea ointment used as topical anesthetic for buccal mucosa. Methods: The topical agent was applied to dried buccal mucosa. Next, a short needle was inserted in the mucobuccal fold above the maxillary canine eminence and then immediately removed. Each volunteer served as his/her own control. Pain was measured with a visual analogue scale and by heart rate. Results: A one-way analysis of variance followed by a Kruskal-Wallis test showed no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of the two Acmella oleracea ointment concentrations studied compared to the benzocaine 20% (P<0.05) control. Conclusion: Acmella oleracea ointment was effective and safe in reducing the pain from needle insertion in the methodology used in the present study.


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