Publicity and information in the consumer society: The tension between the effectiveness of the right to information and the publicity in the contemporary context


  • Betina da Silva Adami PUCRS
  • Gabriela Wallau Rodrigues FARGS


Consumer Society, Consumer Protection Statue, Right to Information, Publicity.


The text aims to investigate if the publicity can be considered a mean of information to consumers, analyzing the perspective that involves the right to information in the context of the protection system structured upon the Consumer Protection Statute so to evaluate what represents the publicity in this context. From this analysis it is reached a negative response regarding the object, both because the scope of protection of the right to information requires a type of information that is not present in publicity announcements as well as because it is observed that the main purpose of publicity is only to increase rates of consumption.

Author Biography

Betina da Silva Adami, PUCRS

Editor gerente


