The Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) coverage in the Brazilian academic written English corpus




English for academic purposes, academic vocabulary, corpus linguistics.


This paper is divided in two parts, in the first one we address the different definitions of academic vocabulary, the role of academic vocabulary in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) teaching, and present some of the academic word lists compiled up to the present day. The second part of this paper is dedicated to one of the applications of these word lists: to determine the vocabulary profile of a corpus. Hence, the investigation conducted relies on the Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) to determine the use of academic vocabulary in a corpus of Brazilian students. It also addresses the issue of the different coverage provided by the AVL and the Academic Word List (AWL). The results indicate that the AVL is more representative of academic vocabulary in the corpus used as a reference.


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How to Cite

Goulart, L. (2018). The Academic Vocabulary List (AVL) coverage in the Brazilian academic written English corpus. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 9(1), 146–166.


