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Author Guidelines


Aviation in Focus accepts research articles, review articles or book reviews, clinical research, interviews and activities. There is a need for authors to register (GO TO REGISTRATION) before submitting any text. In case the author is already registered it is necessary to log in (GO TO LOGIN) and begin the process of submission.

All Publications as should be sent in editable file (Microsoft Word) and must conform to the Vancouver standards.



Authorship credit should be granted only to persons who meet all three of the following criteria:

1) substantial contributions to conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of results;

2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and

3) final approval of the version to be published.

All persons who meet these criteria should be listed as authors. The order of authorship on the byline should be a joint decision of the co-authors and the Corresponding Author should be prepared to explain that order.

Acquisition of funding, collection of data, or general supervision of the research group without meeting the other criteria does not justify authorship. Persons in those roles should be credited in the Acknowledgments. Examples might include a person who provided purely technical help or a department chair who provided only general support.



• Number of pages: between eight and twenty-five.

• Format: A4, font Times New Roman, size 11, 1.5 space. Pages numbered in the bottom right. Pages that contain graphs, figures, references, footnotes and appendices are also numbered.

• Use Vancouver Standards for the cover page.

• After a blank line, start the text. All parts of the article should be numbered and their titles boldface, numbered, and separated from the preceding paragraph and later by a line.

• Paragraphs must submit a drop of 1 cm to the first line.

• Quotations of more than three lines should be stepping into paragraph 2 cm, single spaced and font size to 10, separated from preceding and following paragraphs by a line.

• Use bold only for the title and sub-title of the article. To highlight the text, if any, only use italics, do not use bold or capitals (or capitalized). Do not make references to internal pages of the work itself and avoid the use of words such as "Down", "up" or "next" to refer to figures, graphs, charts or tables, number them and use the numbers to make references . There should be colored highlights. Footnotes should be only explanatory and cannot be used for references.

Review Articles are scholarly reviews of the literature on important subjects within the scope of the journal. It is suggested authors considering preparation of a Review Article contact the Editor to ascertain the suitability of the topic. Reviews generally may not exceed 6000 words with up to 150 references. Longer reviews of exceptional quality and relevance may be considered.

Short Communications describe new techniques or devices or interesting preliminary findings that may serve as the basis for further, definitive research. They should contain the same sections as a Research Article, but may not exceed 3000 words with approximately 12 references and a combined total of 4 Tables/Figures.

Case Reports describe interesting or unusual clinical cases or aeromedical events. They should include a short Introduction to provide perspective, details of the Case, and Discussion that includes reference to pertinent literature. Such manuscripts may not exceed 3000 words with approximately 12 references and a combined total of 4 Tables/Figures.

Other types of manuscripts may be considered at the discretion of the Editor, including:

Historical Notes: Brief presentations regarding past events of significance in the development of aviation and space medicine.

Technical Notes: A type of Short Communication that describes a new device or novel technique that may be promising for studying and working in aerospace and other extreme environments.

Commentaries: Brief essays that set forth opinion or perspective on relevant topics. Such manuscripts may not exceed 1000 words with approximately 10 references. They should contain an abstract of 150 words or less.

Letters to the Editor: Letters that discuss and/or criticize scientific papers that have appeared in the journal within the past year are limited to 500 words. The author of the original paper will be invited to provide a response.

There are also a number of special features published in the journal. If you are interested in contributing to any of these features, please contact the journal office.



The language of the journal is standard American English. The journal cannot provide translation or rewriting services; authors who are not perfectly fluent in English should have the manuscript edited by a native speaker of the language before submission. The journal will decline to review manuscripts not sufficiently clear for reviewers to follow the argument of the paper.  Abbreviations and acronyms should be used only if they improve the readability of the text. The full term for which an abbreviation stands must precede its first use in the abstract and again in the text. Abbreviations should be used a minimum of three times within the text. Standard units of measurement do not need explanation.

Measurements of length, weight, volume, and pressure should be reported in metric units and temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius (customary English units such as altitude in feet or temperature in degrees Fahrenheit may be added in parentheses). Hematological and clinical chemistries should generally be reported in the metric system in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury.



Tables and Figures should be used strictly to advance the argument of the paper and to assess its support. Lists and simple quantitative information (e.g., characteristics of a group of subjects) should be incorporated into the text.

In general, tables are best used when readers need to be able to compare exact numbers, while graphs should be used to show patterns of change or trends, or as an alternative to large tables. Authors should plan their tables and figures to fit either one journal column (8.5 cm) or the full width of the printed page (18 cm). In the rare situation where an accepted manuscript contains a Table or Figure that has been published elsewhere, the original source must be acknowledged in the caption and the Corresponding Author must provide written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the material. Such permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher unless the document is in the public domain.


All tables should be created using the Table function in Microsoft Word. Tables should be assigned consecutive Roman numerals in the order of their first citation in the text. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines or shading. Each column should have a short or abbreviated heading. Explanation of details and any nonstandard abbreviations should be presented in footnotes designated by the symbols *, †, ‡, §, ¶, **, ††, and so on in that sequence.

Tables should not ordinarily occupy more than 20% of the space in a journal article.


Figures include graphs, photographs, and drawings and should be assigned consecutive Arabic numerals in the order of their first citation in the text. The journal does not ordinarily publish photographs of experimental equipment; if the paper discusses details of the setup, the author should provide a line drawing with appropriate markings.

Each axis on a graph must be labeled with “Variable (units)” and numbered appropriately. A key to symbols is allowed provided it fits within the rectangle of the graph. There should be no other text in the graphic file. Graphs must be submitted in black and white; grayscale may only be used if the grays are distinct; bars or other filled areas should use bold patterns (e.g., thick diagonal stripes) such that the differences between them are clear at publication scale. Three-dimensional graphs may be used only for three-dimensional data. It is important to visualize graphics at the reduced size at which they will be published to be sure that legends, lines, and symbols remain clear.

Each Figure should be submitted as a separate electronic file using PDF, EPS, TIFF, JPEG, or other common electronic format.



Article (printed or electronic):

Authors separated by commas (cite all authors). Title of the article. Title of the magazine (abbreviated conform Medline). Year;Volume(Installment):Pagination(preceded by the letter “e” if eletronic).


1. Silva JLV, Tavares Filho GS, Namba MM, Pereira Filho FA, Barbosa MA, Albano M, Neves JK, Skroch GP. Estudo biomecânico, “in vitro”, em ovinos, da fixação femoral do tendão patelar na reconstrução do LCA: comparação entre parafusos metálicos de interferência e a fixação sob pressão com bloco ósseo cônico. Rev Bras Ortop. 2003; 38(7):e400-9.

Book or Monograph:

Authors separated by commas (cite all authors). Title of the article. Edition. City: Publishing House; Year. Pages.


Remington JS, Klein JO, Wilson CB, Nizet V, Maldonado YA, editors. Infectious Diseases of the Fetus and Newborn Infant. 7th ed. Pennsylvania: Elsevier Saunders; 2011. p.918-1041.


Dissertation or Thesis:

Author. Title [dissertation or thesis]. [City]: University; Year. Number of pages.


Silva MM. O sono da criança e a amamentação [dissertation/thesis]. [Porto Alegre]: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul; 2008. 134 p.


Electronic Page:

Authors. Institution. Title [Internet]. Local Publication; Publication Year [Date of the atualization; Date of acess]. Available from: link.


Brasil. Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. Contagem da população no censo de 2007 [Internet]. Rio de Janeiro; 2007 [updated 2007 Oct; cited 2008 March 16]. Available from:



Unbiased, independent, critical assessment is an intrinsic part of all scholarly work, including the scientific process. Experts who are not part of the editorial staff conduct peer review at the request of the Editor-in-Chief. Peer review is an important extension of the scientific process, helps editors decide which manuscripts are suitable for their journals, and helps authors and editors in their efforts to improve the quality of reporting. Reviewers for this journal are asked to excuse themselves if there is any possible conflict of interest. Reviewers, who volunteer their time, provide comments for the authors and may also make confidential comments to the editor. Although reviewers may recommend the disposition of an article, the final decision to accept or reject is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief.


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